Postei este vídeo, e estou compartilhando aqui no blog!
Adubo Orgânico líquido, feito com húmus, você pode fazer com
vários materiais, como terra vegetal, esterco animal, compostagem, etc.
É fácil e suas plantas vão agradecer.
-Húmus, você encontra nas lojas do ramo
-Água, de preferencia coletada da chuva
-Balde ou recipiente para fazer a mistura.
-estamos usando Água de torneira mesmo, colete a Água em
recipientes e deixe descansar por 24 hrs, para que seja eliminado
o Cloro, Flúor e Cálcio que são colocados para purificar a água.
Eles vão evaporar e sua Água vai ficar mais pura.
4 litros de Água para 1 kilo de Húmus de Minhoca
tampe o recipiente e deixe por 24 hora aproximadamente.
Pronto, você já pode adubar as suas Plantas, e Elas vão
te agradecer com lindas flores e Frutos.
I posted this movie, and I'm sharing here on the blog!
Liquid organic fertilizer, made from humus, you can do with
various materials such as topsoil, animal manure, compost, etc.
It's easy and your plants will thank you.
-Húmus, You find in retail stores
-Water In preference collected rain
-bucket Or container for mixing.
We're using tap water even, collect the water in
containers and let stand for 24 hrs, to purge
Chlorine, Fluorine and calcium that are put to purify water.
They will evaporate and your water will become more pure.
4 liters of water for 1 kilo of Humus Worm
cover the container and leave for 24 hours approximately.
There, you can now fertilize their plants, and they will
thank you with beautiful flowers and fruits.
I posted this movie, and I'm sharing here on the blog!
Liquid organic fertilizer, made from humus, you can do with
various materials such as topsoil, animal manure, compost, etc.
It's easy and your plants will thank you.
-Húmus, You find in retail stores
-Water In preference collected rain
-bucket Or container for mixing.
We're using tap water even, collect the water in
containers and let stand for 24 hrs, to purge
Chlorine, Fluorine and calcium that are put to purify water.
They will evaporate and your water will become more pure.
4 liters of water for 1 kilo of Humus Worm
cover the container and leave for 24 hours approximately.
There, you can now fertilize their plants, and they will
thank you with beautiful flowers and fruits.
Simples, rápido e eficaz! Gostei! abraços,chica
ResponderExcluirOi Chica! Que bom, ótima semana pra Vc!
ExcluirJá usei. As plantas gostaram. Ainda continuo usando.
Que legal Nely!
ExcluirGrato pela visita!