
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2024

How to Plant & Grow Aloe Vera at Home

You'll see in this Movie how easy it is. How to grow aloe vera at home Aloe Vera can be Cultivated in a number of ways: 1- from Seeds 2. It can be reproduced through the seedlings that are born around the stem 3- I can reproduce through an Adult plant, through the Stem Cutting the Plant Stem, and this will make the Plant Sprout new seedlings This Aloe is the Oldest of the First Movie, I have already used all its leaves This is from the Second Movie is already 1 Year and two months and already born a Plant This is Third, it's already Budding the new plants Cut the Aloe Stem about 6 inches tall. Now wait about two months that new plants have appeared I will perform a transplant for this Vase, always use Substrate Rich in Organic Nutrients Remove carefully so as not to damage the Roots I hope you have enjoyed it, subscribe to the Channel, and always be Welcome Then I'll leave the first two Videos on Aloe Vera, click on the Movie Thumbnail Music Youtube File Artist - Title Patrick Patrikios - Forgiveness By: Adriano #aloevera #aloe #plantcaretips #plantcare #plantparent #plantpeople

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