
domingo, 2 de julho de 2023

How To Grow Tomatoes at Home

Learn How To Grow Tomatoes At Home From The Easiest Method Step by step how to do. Welcome Sustainable Living We will make the Cuttings which is the simplest and easiest method to reproduce the plants These branches that are developing are called Bumps and Pacifiers They take away the force of the plant, and it is They that we are going to use Remove and place directly into the water to make the Stakes I am using a Milk Pack, and a foil of aluminum paper where the Cuttings will be placed. I will put water and cover it in order to avoid the entrance of insects sticking to place the Cuttings Now I'm going to put the third Now let's follow the development of Roots After 10 days the Cuttings are already rooted I will plant here in these Vases I made with Plastic Bottles These Tomatoes are already maturing, see how beautiful I'll have the second crop already Let's Plant! use Substrate with good Nutrients, then a Recipe that is great: Now let's water the Tomatoes, avoid wetting the leaves Plant You'll like it! Have Beautiful Vegetables and Flowers in Your Home Music Youtube: title - Artist Thank you friends to view the Movie click on please liked, subscribe to our channel, welcome! Adriano.

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