
domingo, 20 de março de 2022

Bottle Garden Self Watering - How to Grow Chives

You will learn how to make a Bottle Garden Self Watering Growing chives, the easiest and simplest way there is, Reusing this part where Roots develops. The cost is practically Zero because I am reusing the plants that were purchased at the Super Market. The Self Irrigable Vases made with reused Pet Bottles. In this Vasinho I am planting two Chives. The Substrate must be of good quality. Fill with Water in the Reservoir and place the upper part of the Vase. The rope will dampen and transfer the water to the Substrate. The Self Irrigating Vase has an autonomy of approximately 4 days of irrigation. It should be in a place that has good lighting, ventilation, full sun, for a good development. Thank you friends to view the Movie click on please liked, subscribe to our channel, welcome! Adriano

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