
domingo, 14 de novembro de 2021

How to Grow Strawberry at Home step by step - Bottle Garden Self Waterin...

Learn How to grow Strawberries, Bottle Garden Self Watering step by stey, irrigation is performed by capillarity by the strings that will transfer the water. There are many advantages of this Irrigation System 1-The Plastic Bottle You are reusing and recycling materials and contributing to a more sustainable life. 2- Irrigation Autonomy of 5 days, great for Travel and Vacations 3- Economics of Water You have no waste 4 - Prevents entry of Insect transmitters of Disease example: Dengue I'm going to put pebbles in the vase to make it easier to drain the water. Place the Substrate well fertilized, now plant the Baby Strawberry. Complete the reservoir with water, make a good watering to moisten the substrate, to start the capillary irrigation. The Moramgueiro must stay in a place that has good luminosity and direct sun for good development. Perform Organic Fertilization every 15 days so that it has good development and fruits. When we plant from seeds, it takes approximately 6 months to produce Strawberries. When we plant from Etolhos, production is faster by approximately 90 days. Thank you friends To view the Movie click on please liked, subscribe to our channel, welcome! Adriano #craft #wood #diy #strawberry #strawberries #grow #recycilng

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