
domingo, 29 de agosto de 2021

Grape Vines Growing in Container, How to Prune Grape Vines

Grape Vines growing in container, How to Prune Grape Vines, is 7 years old and I will be pruning again for the new production. Ideal to do at the end of winter and in the waning or New Moon, during this period the sap flow is lower and the plant will not suffer much. Pruning the plant is a fundamental practice to ensure good development and production. The limitation of the Gems Harmonizes the capacity and growth of the branches and the production of the vine. Always use an exterelized tool for pruning The bevel cut (cross) prevents the accumulation of sap or water in the cut area, which could cause the branches to rot. Cut to 45 degrees. Now I'm going to do a spray to break the Gems Dormancy with Organic Garlic Extract. Recipe: crush 2 garlic cloves, place in a 100ml glass of water, let it tan for 2 days. Spraying on the yolks, garlic has a property that makes it difficult for the plant to breathe, this helps to break the Dormancy and force the sprouts. Now make an Organic Fertilizer: Organic Fertilizer 1 part Worm Humus 1 Manure corral, 1 Poultry Poultry, 1 Tortilla Beaver 1/4 Hat Meal! Make a good watering, which should be daily, so that the plant is well hydrated. For now we will have the beginning of sprouting of leaves, branches and grapes. Thank you friends to view the Movie click on please liked, subscribe to our channel, welcome! Adriano.

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