
domingo, 6 de junho de 2021

Bottle Garden Self Watering Pop - Growing Arugula

Learn how to make a Bottle Garden Self Watering pop Growing Arugula. Irrigation is performed by capillarity by the strings that will transfer the water There are many advantages of this Irrigation System 1-The Plastic Bottle You are reusing and recycling materials and contributing to a more sustainable life. 2- Irrigation Autonomy of 5 days, great for Travel and Vacations 3- Economics of Water You have no waste 4 - Prevents entry of Insect transmitters of Disease example: Dengue The Arugula is an easy-to-cultivate vegetable, very nutritious, has four times more iron than lettuce. Is an easy-to-cultivate vegetable, very nutritious, has four times more iron than lettuce. Contains Vitamins A, C, K and others is also very tasty Thank you friends to view the Movie click on please liked, subscribe to our channel, welcome! Adriano. Face: https://www.facebook.com/mundodasplantasnet/ Blogs: http://mundodasplantasnet.blogspot.com.br/ http://bonsaiclik.blogspot.com.br/ Mundo das Plantas Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/mundodasplantas World Clik Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/worldclik

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