
domingo, 11 de outubro de 2020

How to Grow Grape Vines in Containers From Cuttings, The Easy Way Comple...

You will learn In this movie Easy way to grow Grape Vines in Containers from cutting   - The Complete Growing Guide 2 step by step, You will Learn How To Propagate Grape Vine.
The advantage of grow from cutting is that you will harvest fruits faster than planting the seeds.
When I do the cutting I'm doing a Plant Cloning.
It is a New Plant that has been removed from an Adult Plant, so it is a Clone with the same characteristics.
When I plant through the seeds it is necessary to wait for the natural development of the Plant,
from the germination, to the growth, and to reach the Adult stage to produce the Flowers and Fruits.
I did the Cutting of my Vine and I'm going to the Stake
  of some Branches, You'll see how easy it is
The Branches are 30 cm, 12 inches, and with 3 Gems, 1 goes into the ground and the two from above will be for the New Sprouts
I will cut here diagonally to facilitate the roots
Let's use here Cinnamon powder which is a great fungicide and will also help rooting
1 spoon for 1 liter of Water
Let's leave the Stakes here for a few Hours before Planting
I have already prepared here Some Vases with Disposable Packaging, use a substrate of good quality
I will put 2 Stakes in each Vase
Let's water and develop development
Now with 18 days we have the New Vines growing babies
You can see here all the Stachies Budded, the new leaves
This is my Vine that is in the Vase
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