
domingo, 9 de junho de 2019

How to Grow Okra from Seeds to Harvest - Bottle Garden - Self Watering Pop

You will learn to make it simple and easy Bottle Garden Self Watering Pop - Okra from Seeds,
By: Mundo das Plantas Net
you got to see this, reusing and reusing disposable packaging, make a more sustainable life.

Irrigation is done through capillarity

We are Using Bottles Plastic of 5 and 7 Liters and Nylon or Cotton
The water will be transferred by the Rope or  to the Substrate
This Plastic Bottle is going to make the water supply
It has several advantages
-Prevents entry of Insect Transmitters of Diseases
-He is antidengue, antizika and antichikungunya.
-It manages to guarantee the humidity of the Earth up 4 days or more is a great option also
-is a great option also for those who are going to travel ensuring that their Plants are well irrigated.
Let's Make Life More Sustainable, Recycle, Reuse Disposable Packaging.
Irrigation is done through capillarity,
The water will be transferred by the Rope or  to the Substrate
See step by step the details,
Plastic Bottles of 5 and 7 Liters
Barbell or Rope
Do it
First Let's Cut the Bottle in Half
Rope should be approximately 10 inches
Pass the rope through the hole in the cap
Fold the sides so as not to damage the Plant
Let's Plant
Put the Stones
The Organic Compost:
1 part of Substrate
1/4 Húmos of Worm
  1/4 Curral manure,
  1/4 Poultry Poultry,
  1/4 Tortellini and
  1/8 Bone Meal!
I'm going to take the seeds out of some Oats that are already dry.
Let's start planting the Seeds, I'm using a Pen and making the pits about 10mm deep.
I'll put a seed in each place
Now cover the seeds with Substrate
And Water so that the seeds can enter Germination
Let's transplant the Okra Babies to the Vases.
  make a pit of approximately 10cm and plant
Now I'm going to water the Okra Babe.
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By: Adriano

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